Evan Williams, CEO Twitter unveiled the plans on introducing its latest service known as @anywhere. @anywhere, a service designed for twitter users which will allow them to connect to their Twitter accounts from almost anywhere using third party websites. With the induction of this service, users can easily share information while reading news on online like The New York Times or even shopping on their best auction site like eBay. The service can be more related to Facebook Connect which also allows its users to sign using Facebook accounts on other sites.
@anywhere platform brings access to Twitter users to interact with Twitter from almost anywhere, as the name mentions, and they are able to interact, follow about their favorite stuff while being on the third party's website. "What an amazing piece of painting I found on eBay", tweeted the presenter as he showed the features of the service. The new service was unveiled at a conference in Austin, Texas.
Any site which has the feature of @anywhere, brands, people, and other stuff having Twitter accounts will appear as a hyperlink. Placing your mouse pointer over the hyperlink will reveal the info as well as the most recent tweet which the particular account has made. Clicking on the hyperlink will take you to the profile of the specified user.
An official note about the service read as:
Website owners and operators will be able to offer visitors more value with less heavy lifting.
Experts eye that the service is almost the same as Facebook's Facebook Connect but much popular as millions of articles, products, news are shared on their Profile. Twitter would be needing to work much harder than expected as Facebook has already caught the eye of everyone and users depend on it really well.
The conference did shower us with a presentation but no word was available as to when the service would be officially launched but a little info was provided as to which sites would be the first ones to connect.
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