The second largest two-wheeler company in India, Bajaj Auto, has launched Bajaj Pulsar 135 LS in India at Rs 51,000 (ex-showroom, Delhi). The new Bajaj Pulsar 135 LS will be available in two stunning colours-midnight black and wine red. The body color is painted at front mudguard, mask, fuel tank, air scoops and rear garb rails. The Pulsar 135 is blessed with front disc brake, gas filled adjustable rear shock absorber, split seat and garb rails, chopped silencer, air scoops, tail mounted number plate and tank pad. According to Bajaj, this is the first bike in the world which comes with 4 valve DTS-i engine that develops a peak power of 13.5 PS at 9,000 rpm and generates peak torque of 11.4 Nm at 7,500 rpm. Generally, bikes in India come with 2 valves but Pulsar 135 sports 4 valve that promises greater intake of fuel and more power. The dashboard of the bike is also very handsome with digital meters such as speedometer, tripmeter and fuel gauge. Only tachometer is digital type with analog display. The bike possesses larger wheelbase that is 1325mm which ensure better balance and stability on road.
Bajaj Pulsar 135 LS is equipped with self start option and 5 speed gear box. Auto choke and clip on handle bars are another silent features. It houses 8 litres of fuel tank with 2.5 litres of reserve. The tail side of the bike is very sporty. It comes with tail mounted number plate and tyre hugger. In order to provide better visibility during badlight, twin pilot lamps are fitted in headlight. LED tail lamp, maintenance free battery, single down tube chassis, split seat and five-spoke alloy wheels add to the comfort. Bajaj has higher cc bikes in Pulsar range in India such as Bajaj Pulsar 150, Bajaj Pulsar 180 and Bajaj Pulsar 220.
Bajaj Pulsar 135 LS is equipped with self start option and 5 speed gear box. Auto choke and clip on handle bars are another silent features. It houses 8 litres of fuel tank with 2.5 litres of reserve. The tail side of the bike is very sporty. It comes with tail mounted number plate and tyre hugger. In order to provide better visibility during badlight, twin pilot lamps are fitted in headlight. LED tail lamp, maintenance free battery, single down tube chassis, split seat and five-spoke alloy wheels add to the comfort. Bajaj has higher cc bikes in Pulsar range in India such as Bajaj Pulsar 150, Bajaj Pulsar 180 and Bajaj Pulsar 220.
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