Samsung launched model B7620 in Indian Market. This is a brilliant phone mainly targeting the Business class people. It greatly resembles Nokia N 97 by looks and has a slide -and -tilt full Qwerty keyboard. It has an accelerometer sensor for auto rotate and has a touch interface. Here are the features in details:
Display And Camera
It has a 3.5 inch AMOLED resistive touchscreen providing color depth of 16M and resolution of 800×480 pixels. The camera bundled is 5 MP with LED flash providing still photo resolution 2592×1944 pixels, it can record videos at 30 fps with a resolution of 640×480. The camera also features geo-tagging, smile detection and provides a wide dynamic range. Also has a secondary camera.
Hardware Configuration
It is powered by a Samsung S3c6410 800 MHz processor with a dedicated graphics accelerator, has Wi-Fi, 3G, GPRS, EDGE support, bluetooth v 2.1 with A2DP. Provides an internal memory of 8 GB which can be expanded upto 32 GB large enough to accommodate all your digital media. It has 512 MB ROM and 256 MB RAM.It also gives TV out, so you can expand your digital world on high resolution tv or projector. It has a 1500mAh Li-Ion battery that can support nearly 11 hrs of talk time.
Software and Operating System
It is packed with Windows mobile 6.5. There are many gadgets that make things easier to access and work quickly. It has Giorgio Armani fashion applications, can play all types of MP3 and video, has a Photo and video editor. Work easy with Pocket Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF viewer) and Mobile tracker.
Color Variants
It is available in Gold and Black accent.
Availability And Price
It will be available soon in local retail shops and its price is expected to be approximately around Rs 30,000.