
Monday, September 28, 2009

Sync Clipboard on Windows, Mac & Linux or on Multiple Computers

Windows Clipboard

Clipboard is the facility provided by most of the operating system to store selected copied content temporarily accessible by all software, applications and browsers. Not many feels the need of synching clipboard content across multiple computers but there may be few who may need such feature.

For those users here is extremely useful Firefox extension Copy and Paste that allows you to copy and paste text across computers with ctrl+c and ctrl+v. Copy and Paste can sync clipboard text and content across computers with different operating system like Linux, Max & Windows.

Copy and Paste also provides dynamic contact finder which lists all the hosts with Copy and Paste extension installed on Firefox browser.

Copy and Paste Firefox Extension

Copy and Paste Firefox Extension

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Website Monitoring and Keyword Analysis with EZ Website Monitoring

EZ Website Monitoring is a new web service which is currently in beta and provides uptime monitoring as well as SEO monitoring. It includes features like Uptime Monitoring, Response Time Monitoring, Weekly Error Checking, Keyword Ranking Reports, Website Popularity Monitoring, and Historical Graphs. With this service you can monitor your website and also compare keywords ranking for your competition websites (maximum 4 websites).

Ez Website monitoring

Apart from monitoring website uptime, you can add your competitor websites and then check the keywords ranking and also in bound links, Alexa rank and other ranks.


EZ Website Monitoring claims that it does not just rely on ping method to check whether the site is up or down. It actually checks the load time, response time and also ping method so that it gives better idea whether site is up or not.

Uptime and response time is checked every 5 minutes. Error checking, keyword rankings, and popularity are checked once per week. Your report will show when the last check was done and when the next will occur. You will receive your report in email each week.

Currently the service is in beta and free to use for one month. Once it comes out of beta, there will be a fixed charge per domain.

EZ Website Monitoring

Access Microsoft Office Web App Tech Preview Now Without Invitation

Microsoft Office 2010 Beta 1
Many users have already received Microsoft Office 2010 Preview invitation as well as office 2010 is also leaked on torrent websites. Another interesting development at Microsoft lab is Online Office application which is to direct compete with Google Docs.

Microsoft has started accepting application for Office Web App you may register and wait for invitation but those eager users who want to try Microsoft Office Web App now just follow below steps and get instant access to Office Web App.

Access Office Web App Now Without Invitation

1. Go to Windows Live SkyDrive and sign in with the Windows Live ID (if you don’t have Windows Live ID then create New one ).

2. Upload some Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel or PowerPoint presentation) to the Documents/My Documents folder on your Skydrive

3. Once you Upload Office Document you will see a message “join our preview program to Create, Edit, View and Share online ”

Office Web Application

4. Click on Join Our Preview program and accept agreement

5. Now you can access Office Web App and Click on the link “Start using the Office Web Apps today !” start using Online Office.

Note: This may not work for some users. If you are non-English users then first change language to English and then try.

Thanks to for the hat tip

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Digsby comes clean

About a month ago, multi-protocol instant messaging client Digsby found itself at the center of a user conflagration, sparked by how it notified people about their installer's bundleware. Digsby build 65, today's update, addresses some of those complaints and throws in feature enhancements, too.

Users can finally opt-out of Digsby's grid computing system before they install the program.

(Credit: Screenshot by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)

However, this doesn't mean that Digsby has changed its business model. The program still comes bundled with several opt-out changes to your browser. To avoid them, users must opt out of several bundled add-ins. One will change your default home page to a Digsby-branded Google search, and another will add eBay and to your search bar. A third installs the toolbar. Note, however, that none of these are new to this build, and have been in Digsby for quite some time.

The Plura network uses your CPU cycles when idle for both nonprofit and for-profit ventures, and users could only deactivate it after they had installed the program. While it will probably upset some that Digsby still participates in Plura, at least now Digsby is being more fair about it by giving you the chance to opt-out before the CPU cycle usage begins. Also, the one ad for the toolbar is all that's left of the five ads that users had to opt out of--again, it's still annoying, but now it's less so. Some users might not see the ad, depending on whether the installer detects that it's already installed or if it determines that installing it will be difficult.

The new features in Digsby 65 include a revamped Facebook news feed that pulls in all Facebook feed content, not just your friends' status updates, and support for MySpaceIM. Digsby seems to have corralled its RAM issues for good, maintaining around 35 to 45 MB RAM even when running multiple tabs from multiple protocols over the past several program updates.

Because Digsby has allowed users to opt out of all its bundleware, if you can tolerate the opt-out nature of it, then it looks like it's worth a second glance.

Originally posted at The Download Blog

Google praises Microsoft's HTML 5 thoughts

In a rare display of public goodwill between Google and Microsoft, the companies are bonding over Microsoft's decision to actively participate in the HTML 5 standards process.

In a post to the The WHATWG Blog spotted by Ars Technica, Google's Mark Pilgrim, the company's leading HTML 5 evangelist, thanked Microsoft's Adrian Bateman for joining the conversation over HTML 5 development several weeks ago. "On August 7, 2009, Adrian Bateman did what no man or woman had ever done before: he gave substantive feedback on the current editor's draft of HTML5 on behalf of Microsoft. His feedback was detailed and well-reasoned, and it spawned much discussion," Pilgrim wrote.

Despite its role as the developer of the most widely used browser in the world, Microsoft had been practically silent on the development of the HTML 5 standard until August, when Bateman weighed in on some potential choices for how various tags will be implemented in the standard. Since then, Bateman has endorsed the use of the

HTML 5 is a big part of Google's agenda for the next several years with respect to its Chrome browser and Chrome OS project. Google executives have chided Microsoft for its slow embrace of the project, which would make all browsers more capable of running applications, but have acknowledged that Microsoft's road to HTML 5 is complicated by the fact that many businesses have built applications around the current version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser and would be forced to modify or start over from scratch when the new standards are implemented.

"As you might expect, much of the discussion since August 7 has been driven by Microsoft's feedback. After five years of virtual silence, nobody wants to miss the opportunity to engage with a representative of the world's still-dominant browser," Pilgrim wrote.

Google and Microsoft, of course, are otherwise at each other's throats in the day-to-day competition to dominate the tech industry. There's a longstanding animosity between the CEOs of the two companies, and they are each attacking the other's backyard in hopes of defending their current dominant positions. Microsoft has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in developing a worthy competitor to Google search, and Google has taken aim at Microsoft's dominant position in office productivity software while unveiling plans for its own lightweight operating system.

Originally posted at Relevant Results

Friday, September 18, 2009

RapidDowner + Portable

RapidDowner + Portable

RapidDowner + Portable | 4.25 MB

RapidDowner is a software application designed to bypass the 110 minute waiting time limit when downloading from Rapid Share hosting service.This is not a hack just a manager to help backup your files and download them as quick as you upload them.RapidDowner is very easy to use. All you need is the download link and you can start downloading. Moreover, the application comes with a proxy grabber if you want to change your IP.

· Microsoft .Net Framework

What's New :-
· Auto-image Rec.,
· Grid-View,
· Auto-Updates,
· Error Logging,
· Link Library

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Create a free Business Card and share it on the web

Previously we have shared a couple of online tools to create and print free Business Cards, but the tool that we have in review today is a little different in the sense that it lets you make a Business Card which can only be shared on the web.


BusinessCard2 offers easy-to-use interface to create a professional Internet business card within just 2-minutes. The card can be shared anywhere on the web, all thanks to their dynamic flash-widget. Moreover, it even provides a dedicated profile page to the card-holder which bears information about their profession, experience, contact and links to their social media profiles.

The flash-widget of the business card is quite rich in terms of features e.g. it comes with a contact form that lets anyone seeing the card contact the owner, plus the card owner can be even upload and attach documents to their card such as CV etc.

The service has a lot of features planned out for the future so do give them a try

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